AI and Your Workflow - It’s Not a Risk, It’s a No-Brainer

The Misconception

If you came here looking for Midjourney, look away now. 

That’s the problem with talking about AI, especially as an automation software company. There’s a misconception - particularly among brands - that you’re referring to the open-source generative type; rich in biases and copyright issues. 

Rightly so, brands are reluctant to go near it. Especially when it comes to the production phase; where it’s about scale, versioning for global audiences and total, unequivocal brand compliance. It’s at this point that creativity has to stop. 

… no unwanted embellishment or extra fingers here, please. And we don’t care how good you think that asset would look with the Death Star on it… 

Don’t get us wrong, we’re not knocking generative AI. Far from it. In fact, its rapid rise is something we likely have to be thankful for. There’s no denying it’s played its role in turning the world on to the potential power of automation - where seriously staggering efficiency gains can be made.

When we first launched ReMake it was a tougher sell. The problem was as real [and big] then as it is now, but the market was cooler - and the idea that a creative automation tool could solve people’s versioning woes was a novel and, perhaps, idealistic concept for some. Over time that has changed significantly. At first it was the key decision makers - designers were notably scarce; a combination of denial and unfounded fear that automation was here to take their jobs. Now it’s everyone and their dog.

Would the same level of interest have existed without the gains made by platforms like Midjourney, DALL-E or Chat GPT? Eventually, for sure. So soon? Hard to say. Either way, the problem for which our platform exists is omnipresent - and we’re here to solve it, now.

The Little Things - Where AI and Automation Excels 

Of course, these platforms are everything ReMake is not. 

We are not creative. We are production. Purely, simply, unapologetically. No brand can ever be compromised within our platform. That’s a fact. We’ve said it before, and we’ll keep saying it: Our goal is to deliver the best ad versioning solution on the planet. Nothing more. Nothing less.

That said, it’d be amiss of us to suggest there’s no room for generative AI in production. Because clearly there is.

For all the fun and ‘out there’ AI-powered imagery and video doing the rounds on social - and armies of utopian automation platforms claiming to do it all (they really don’t, by the way) - generative AI does some small and simple things really f**king well. Sophisticatedly, too. Namely in Adobe: removing a background, replacing an object, or cleaning up an image. That’s solved hours of headaches already. That’s where we take our inspiration from. Now, imagine that on a larger scale - 1000x assets in an instant.

… we know what you’re thinking. Perhaps it could be part of an enterprise solution after all? Trust us, we’re on it. We’ll tell you once you’ve got it just right. No one has yet.

The point is, that it’s in the little things where the real power of AI lies. The stuff that goes unnoticed. The stuff we use every day: text editors and autocorrect, facial detection and recognition, the suggested content we engage with on social platforms, day in-day out. The stuff that uses your data with your consent. We’d all miss it if it went away, we’ve no doubts about that - regardless of what some might say.

That’s the AI that provides true value. The ‘kind of’ AI that can unlock and revolutionize your workflow. The kind of AI that ReMake uses.

Really smart. Years in development. All to deliver a platform and features that are simple, secure and go relatively unnoticed. Like all great tech - you shouldn’t have to think about it when you’re using it. It’s not flashy, it just does what you need.

ReMake isn’t a risk. It’s a no-brainer. 

Our clients are already making significant efficiencies with the aid of ReMake. Scaling global content faster, more cost-effectively and accurately than ever before. So many people tell us they “wish it had been around sooner”. 

And it’s only going to get better. Remember what we said about generative AI? We couldn’t be more excited to be harnessing and working with AWS to spearhead ReMake’s generative AI capabilities and evolution.

 These revolutionary new features will redefine how content is versioned, optimized and scaled for a global audience - further streamlining our platform's automation powers and unlocking added and extraordinary time efficiency gains for our clients.

 Watch this space.

Meet ReMake


An Interview With Our New Starters