Brand Icon: Meet the Cast #2

It’s been a whole six months since we last looked back on our #BrandIcon highlights, and what a six months it’s been. Once again, we’ve been celebrating the industry shapers, boundary breakers, and moment makers - and some of the best campaigns in the business. Let’s meet the cast of 2022 so far…  


Thinking Ogilvy, McCann, or another advertising powerhouse? You should have gone to Specsavers. 

We’ve all heard the tagline. But their slogan success is more than just a flash-in-the-pan moment of advertising genius. Specsavers’ in-house creative team were killing it in the content game in 2002 - and has continued to kill it, consistently, ever since. 

Why we chose them?

It’s one thing to have success, it’s another to keep it up. Specsavers’ in-house creative team have been serving us content that every agency should be aspiring to deliver for their clients, and for 20+ years. Find out more.

Virgin Atlantic

If there’s one brand that embodies the definition of versioning, it’s Virgin. What started as a mail-order record store venture back in the 1970s has evolved into a multi-faceted, wildly-successful conglomerate known to everyone and their dog. Today the Virgin Group is made up of 29+ companies, spanning multiple territories. 

Their success is not only about vision, which Richard Branson has in spades. It’s about over-indexing on execution where the learning is done and then applied, on repeat - the ability to pivot, evolve, and version oneself in the face of change. 

Case in point: Virgin Atlantic’s in-house creative team - leading the charge, banging the Virgin Group’s creative drum; designing, writing, and delivering content across multiple changing platforms and formats, year in, year out.  

Why we chose them?

Virgin Atlantic is sending a message to brands around the world; there is power, agility and personality in being your own brand guardians. Find out more.


Even if you’re not familiar with the challenger bank, you’ll have likely seen their hot coral cards in the hands of busy commuters. Their neon card matters, because it’s a marker of the brand's approach to bringing a human touch to the world of banking. 

Monzo’s early-days Head of Design, Hugo Cornejo, said; ‘we mostly wanted it so when we went to a restaurant or something, people would ask about the card… then when we realized people really liked it, we kept it.” And that’s been the whole gig from Monzo, involving their community in everything from branding ideas and tone of voice, to product offers and owning a slice of the business through crowdfunding. 

Why we chose them?

Monzo is a masterclass in testing, learning, and building the product people want instead of the one you think they need - and we love that. Find out more.


Gymshark’s stance on mental health is one to be admired, and one that all brands can take a cue from. In the age of Instagram, and the pressures to look good all the time, it’s too easy for brands to take advantage; to flog you the surface value “stuff” that may only help in the short term. But not Gymshark. 

Simply Google ‘Gymshark Mental Health” and the results are inspiring. We’re talking tens, if not hundreds, of related blog posts, initiatives, partnerships, tips, and campaigns; all with the same positive underlying message - to look out for yourself and others. 

Why we chose them?

Gymshark is a well-being sportswear brand that puts its community first, every time. Find out more.


Hostinger’s in-house production and comms teams have mastered the art of resilience. 

In our recent conversation with Head of Creative Production and Brand Communication, Radvilė Jankevičiené, for The Marketing 7, she revealed the secret behind the brand’s incredible content efforts - a major player in the company’s success. It’s a story of a team’s courage, agility, and strength.

Why we chose them?

A fully produced ad doesn’t make it a good one. Where some would stick, Radvilė’s team are always willing to adapt and change for the greater good of the brand and the ad, however painful. Find out more.


Though technically not a #BrandIcon alumni, we couldn’t not give a shout to our friends and collaborators at Little Black Book. The crown is theirs for July ‘22.

Hailed as ‘THE communications business for the communications world’. Little Black Book has been connecting agencies, post-production and production companies with clients the world over since 2010. They are passionate about our creative, complex and inspirational industry and created Little Black Book to help it grow.

Why we chose them?

A best-in-class industry connector and the catalyst that doesn’t hide its content behind a paywall. And having spent some time with the team, we can confirm they are an awesome bunch of people too. Find out more.

Special Mention

Campaigns and heads of marketing get plaudits. Viral posts get likes. Some ads and taglines may even get eulogized for decades over (we’re looking at you, Specsavers and Virgin Atlantic). 

But there’s a lot more behind a great campaign than just a few bodies in a room coming up with a great idea. It's about the nuts and bolts of a business too - and those making the tough decisions for the greater good of its people.

That’s why in April this year we broke with tradition to celebrate the unsung heroes in operations and procurement. 

Why we chose them?

Because every Batman needs an Alfred. The ones just beyond the spotlight who make the awards and heroics a reality. Find out more.

Want to meet our previous champions?

Click here to discover why Pukka, Weetabix, Aviation Gin, Sony Music, Frito-Lay, and Coca-Cola have all been crowned #BrandIcon.


Insider #12 - A BIG year 🥂


The Marketing 7: Epilogue #1